Dhruv Guliani


Personal website and bio


I am a Mechatronics Engineer with experience building software and embedded products, currently focussed on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Machine Learning

I am interested in understanding and explaining machine learning concepts from first principles. As research remains the dominant source of impactful innovation in machine learning, my objective is to landmark research. Specifically, I want to synthesize periodically the advances in different branches of ML as cornerstones of progress to be easily referenced by the broad community of researchers and practitioners. This is a large task, in an even larger field, and so I look forward to collaborating with others on this mission.

If my work or vision resonate with you, please reach out to have a chat/collaborate.



Writing is a fundamental exercise in the synthesis of learnings and experiences. Find my blog on medium to be a collection of writings on things that most engage me. Any and all feedback on these writings is welcome.

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Email: dhruv [ dot ] guliani [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com